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Deciding whether to fix for 2, 3, or 5 years can feel impossible, so we’ve written this guide to help you feel more informed in your decision.
Find out more
Paying off your mortgage early can save you a tonne of money and leave you mortgage-free much earlier than you might have planned
We outline all the different aspects you should think about before deciding to finally put your property on the market, so you can be sure you’ve chosen the best time to sell your home.
Discover the benefits and drawbacks of buying a leasehold property before you start your mortgage application process.
Discover the different types of mortgage survey and which one is the best fit for your needs.
Solicitor property searches are an important step in the house buying process. Discover what they look at and how you can get your ducks in a row beforehand.
Find out if you're eligible in a couple of clicks, with no hidden credit checks.